for Candidates and Parents

Message for Confirmation Candidates and Parents:

Dates to Remember:
- Saturday 8th March 2025 11:30am – Confirmation Reconciliation Service. A register will be taken.
- Saturday 15th March 2025 11:30am – Confirmation Rehearsal
- Sunday 16th March 2025 2:00pm – Confirmation Mass

Dress Code for Confirmation Mass:
The Confirmation team would like to reassure you that the children don't need to wear expensive suits and dresses on their Confirmation day. We realise that there is a cost of living crisis and that people may be going through difficult times. We ask for smart clothes and no tracksuits, hoodies, trainers, flip flops or sliders etc. Boys should wear a formal shirt (a school shirt is fine). Girls no low-cut tops or short skirts and school shoes are fine. We hope this information is helpful, but if you're unsure about the clothing do get in touch.

Sponsors - Requirements:
A form will be sent for you to complete with details of each candidate’s sponsor. The rules are that:
- The sponsor must be aged 16 and over.
- They should be a baptised practicing catholic (who has received First Holy Communion and Confirmation).
- They should not be a parent, but can be a Godparent or sibling as long as they meet the requirements.
- Should be a role model who lives a life of faith and can provide spiritual support and guidance.
- Should have received Confession and obtained absolution.
- Catechists can act as Sponsor, where a candidate does not have another person to stand for them. Speak to the Priest if this is the case.
Choosing a Confirmation name:
- Candidates to choose a Saint’s name to whom they feel a meaningful connection or recognise their great works, and who inspire them.
- By choosing a saint’s name, the confirmand symbolically invites the saint’s intercession and guidance throughout their spiritual journey.

Certificate of Confirmation:
These will be handed out at the end of the Confirmation Mass. Candidates should check that their names are spelt correctly on the class register and let the catechists know if any changes are needed.

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